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A doctor examines a vial containing a vaccine.

...U.S. 11 (1905). The defendant in that case, Henning Jacobson, was found guilty of refusing to take the vaccine and fined $5. Id. at 14. Jacobson appealed the conviction, arguing that the statute was unconstitutional under various grounds, but principally, that the law was “unreasonable, arbitrary, and oppressive, and, therefore, hostile to the inherent right...

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A person receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. RDM's Brandon Powell discusses employer mandated vaccinations.

...cases enacting, bills prohibiting employers from requiring vaccinations. As of August 17th, 2021, at least five states have laws that limit (or will limit upon the effective date) an employer’s ability to take adverse action against an unvaccinated employee. Those states are Arizona, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Ohio. Each bill differs in their...

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Missouri recently enacted legislation protecting businesses from COVID-19 liability.

...enacted statutes that provide businesses some type of shield against COVID-19 liability suits.  On July 7th, 2021, Missouri became the next state to protect businesses, healthcare providers, and manufacturers from COVID-19 liability. Missouri Governor Mike Parson signed Senate Bill 51 into law, protecting businesses, premises owners, and healthcare providers from personal injury suits arising from...

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The Department of Justice recently issued a Statement of Interest regarding asbestos claims against personal injury trusts.

...of paying both current and future claimants. Trust advisory committees oversee these claims. The committees are often made up of plaintiffs’ attorneys who represented claimants during the bankruptcy proceedings, and it is not unusual for the same plaintiffs’ attorneys to sit on multiple trust advisory committees. Claims are filed directly with the trust, outside of...

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